Thursday, May 22, 2008


Nice things it is then.

She sweetly passed it on.

In keeping with which, lets refrain from -- or at least keep the bitching short -- about how absolutely not engaging it is for me to watch a bloody football Champions League Final. No herd mentality to cheer when friends cheer. I find it awfully dull to muster up the energy required to bellow during these penalty shootouts. So some Ma-ke-le-le guy in blue bounces a ball off some other Vidic chap's head, and referees wear fancy blue tooth microphones. So what! These are an hour and forty minute long matches that carry on till late at night, for which people remain consistently charged up -- clapping, abusing, screaming and exulting throughout! FUCK.

And it's the same for cricket -- the disinterest.

I've obviously got the girl-not-into-sports stereotype down pat.


Anonymous said...


but cricket is fun, honest.

Nimpipi said...

*shakes head*

Anonymous said...

i neither cric nor football!!

Anonymous said...

oops! i neither follow cric nor foot ball!

Nimpipi said...

And we're doing just fine in our sporty-ignorance are we not! :D

Mister Crowley said...

lacrosse, perhaps?

El said...

true, true, but I always get into the mood by the end.

jeez, IPL must really cheese ya off then?